jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014


And how they laughed and danced, delighted by their own music
And how they contemplate each others' portraits,
each others' doubles.
How they were protected from the sinners in each others' arms.
How they keep fresh from the fire outside
Here within each other
One inside the other
And how their hands are infinitely woven.
And how their tongues are intertwined, within each others' mouths.
How they sleep quietly to their lullabies,
How they watch over each other
Each the angel of the other.

Breathing from each other
Breathing one another

like the King and Queen
the saints above always wanted them to be.


Tira de una hebra y mi dedo anular izquierdo sangra
por la yema
la huella digital desfigurada.
Tira de otra hebra y sonrío
la cara
partida en dos por la quijada.
Amenazan los cielos,
cuatrocientas veces desgraciada.
Tira de una hebra y mis bragas caen
por mis piernas
es la primera llamada.
Tira de otra hebra y gimo
a escondidas
la figura derrotada.
Amenazan los infiernos,
cuatrocientas veces nada.