I find it funny and somewhat relieving that wile I was born in Castelnuovo de´Sabbioni, Italy you were born in Cairo, Illinois. After our strong mutual effort to get to Kowloon before it was closed down you promised me we would live either in the largest wooden skycraper or the 4treehouse that (you were sure) Lukasz Kos designed specially for us.
We´re not there yet, love, and have nowhere to go back to.
You asked what? while i was singing "i took my lucky break and broke it in two" an event that immediatly brought to my mind the words "she couldnt help but sing". I did not answer and we both remained quiet, unaware of the tide that had turned red and the mammatus clouds announcing the bad weather approaching...or finally ending.
2 comentarios:
Ο Θεός δεν graicas διαβάσετε αυτή τη γλώσσα
da lo mismo que no lo hable si no dice nada
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