miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

la rutina

va ganando la batalla
se hace fuerte
en las calles olvidadas
van creciendo los espinos
cerrando los caminos
que se dirigen 
a tu casa, a tu cuarto, a tu cama... 

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

entry #4

estoy perdida

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

the monsters

are always watching


Little Beast

An all-night barbeque. A dance on the courthouse lawn.
               The radio aches a little tune that tells the story of what the night
is thinking. It's thinking of love.
                                                             It's thinking of stabbing us to death
and leaving our bodies in a dumpster.
      That's a nice touch, stains in the night, whiskey and kisses for everyone.

Tonight, by the freeway, a man eating fruit pie with a buckknife
           carves the likeness of his lover's face into the motel wall. I like him
and I want to be like him, my hands no longer an afterthought.

domingo, 20 de abril de 2014


A Pity. We Were Such a Good Invention

They amputated
Your thighs off my hips.
As far as I'm concerned
They are all surgeons. All of them.

They dismantled us
Each from the other.
As far as I'm concerned
They are all engineers. All of them.

A pity. We were such a good
And loving invention.
An aeroplane made from a man and wife.
Wings and everything.
We hovered a little above the earth.

We even flew a little.

martes, 15 de abril de 2014

nuestro club

el club de los anónimos


run forever

if we both get caught
we both run forever

lovers on the run

has 3 possibilities.



lunes, 14 de abril de 2014


O porqué las luces lunares están apagadas.

¿dónde está esa luz
que solía conocer?

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014


for the sixth time today

food poisoning is lonely

i need some beauty in my life, but couldnt embed the video


i need you

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014


facsímil de correspondencia #7

señales de humo
de mi azotea a la tuya, donde no podemos subirnos los dos.
a veces, cuando me doy cuenta, tu teléfono está en la pantalla de mi celular y mi pulgar en el botón de llamar. Así duro un par de minutos y me imagino toda nuestra conversación...así es más sencillo volver a guardar el celular.

No me gusta despertarme y que sea de noche. Las alergias primaverales llegaron un poco tarde este año, pero llegaron.

Siempre estoy en los lugares más inoportunos cuando se me ocurren las cartas. Después cuando llego aquí, es difícil. Quizás porque me duele la cabeza.

Estaba imaginando alguna manera de meter una sonrisa a un sobre de papel y enviarla a tu casa, a tu cama de preferencia. Al abrirla sabrías que es mia y sonreirías también. Luego pensé que tal vez es muy cursi pero recordé que no me importa. La mala noticia es que todavía carecemos de esa tecnología.

La buena es que te pienso de todos modos.

p.d. escuché el azul

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


Jamie xx: Sleep Sound on Nowness.com

i know you cant hear me
but can you feel me?

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014


I didnt believe them when they told me there was no saving you

sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

all the world is green

“From now on, love,
we will always be about to destroy
each other, always about to touch.”
— Anne Sexton, from Still Life: An Argument by Edward Hirsch

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

i was never good at writing poems

i always knew the details
but never made plans
scared that you may laugh

how i knew my lingerie would be black
but my wedding dress white
that our baby
would have your eyes
that our used car
would always leave us stranded
and our house, somehow, would have plants

i would write you a story
with the details of our never future lives
we would dance to the end of love
before we collapsed

but my hands were broken
and i was just too sad

i meant to draw you pictures
that would become alive
by the delicate folding of a paper

i would write, somehow
somehow i would stop the madness
and somehow endure it

we would buy new sheets in which to tell our story
your hand going up my thighs

i always knew the details
that would make us fine
but never quite figured out the plan

and im sorry

"scared" keeps looking like a scar

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

dreams of you

cuando era más joven, leí el testimonio de una sobreviviente de la guerra.
le preguntaban acerca de su nueva vida.
ella respondió que extrañaba la guerra.
era el único lugar donde se sintió realmente viva.

ahora la entiendo.